Q&A: Want to get into music production, unsure PC or Apple Mac?
Question by H: Want to get into music production, unsure PC or Apple Mac?
Im looking to get into music production, im not sure if any of you have used the ableton software… Continue reading
Sony vs. Sonos: Comparing Apple battle plans
Sony vs. Sonos: Comparing Apple battle plans
While Sony gears up to take on Apple head on with its S1 and S2 tablets, Sonos has relented and partnered with Apple to combine forces. Which is the smarter strategy?
Read more… Continue reading
Exclusive: Apple to beat Google on cloud music: sources
bozar 2008 – Hallyangmu Im I-jo & Folk Music Company
Image by fabonthemoon
Bozar 18/10/2008
Hallyangmu :
danse des lettrés bons vivants
dans van de kwistige edellieden
"Dance of Prodigal Noblemen"
Exclusive: Apple to beat Google on cloud music:… Continue reading
News: MIx: Apple Support, Foxconn, iOS gaming, App rejections
News: MIx: Apple Support, Foxconn, iOS gaming, App rejections
Apple has revamped its former Support Discussions section, renaming it Apple Support Communities. The new support section divides the discussion and question threads into “communities” based on certain products, offers the… Continue reading
Q&A: If you buy an apple iphone 3G without a phone contract can I still upload music from itunes ? ?
Question by ashley!: If you buy an apple iphone 3G without a phone contract can I still upload music from itunes ? ?
Best answer:
Answer by ScottRASC
Yes. Except you can’t buy one without that contract… Continue reading