Are youtube partners allowed to put music made by companies?
Question by 🙁: Are youtube partners allowed to put music made by companies?
I have drawing tutorials and I wanted to put music not made by me. Is this allowed for partners? I am not myself yet, but I… Continue reading
Should Kristy Lee Cook be allowed to compete in American Idol when she already has a record label?
Question by heywayne: Should Kristy Lee Cook be allowed to compete in American Idol when she already has a record label?
I admit Kristy Lee Cook is an outstanding singer and I loved watching her perform live… Continue reading
Are you allowed to use licensed music for podcasts?
Question by brett: Are you allowed to use licensed music for podcasts?
My relative does podcasts for a website and was wondering if it is legal to use licensed music (clips from the beginning and end) as intro and… Continue reading
Are companies allowed to take money out my account via a point of sale transaction?
Question by Jebediah S: Are companies allowed to take money out my account via a point of sale transaction?
Let me clarify, i signed up for a music distribution service for unsigned bands which costs £2 a month. The… Continue reading