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so i am not sure if it is consequential damages, because it does involve profit?

Question by brianna p: so i am not sure if it is consequential damages, because it does involve profit?
Rufus Leaking is a popular rap music performer who has sold out every concert in the past two years. Isabelle Ringing signed a contract with Rufus in which he agreed to perform two concerts in one evening for $ 50,000 (for both shows). Isabelle rented the local auditorium, paying a non refundable guarantee of $ 10,000. She anticipated selling out both performances in the 14,000 seat venue and hoped for over $ 100,000 in profits for the evening. A short time later, Rufus told Isabelle that he would be breaching and would not perform. Isabelle had not incurred any additional expenses and Rufus offered to pay her $ 10,000 to reimburse her for the deposit she paid out as compensatory damages. She refused to accept that and sued him for $ 100,000 in lost profits as consequential damages.
If Isabelle wins, what should she receive as damages? Explain.
can Isabelle sue Rufus for specific performance? Why or why not.

Best answer:

Answer by Sizzles B.,Esq.
Why don’t you look at the back of the study guide? That’s where the answers are to hypos.

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