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Should I sing this record deal?

Question by Groovy Giraffe Wheels: Should I sing this record deal?
A month ago I moved to Nashville to pursue my dreams in the music world as a guitarist/singer.

I’m a jazz/soul guitarist/singer. I don’t like pop country. But I decided I had to play guitar for all types of music, including pop/country just to get my foot in the door of the music business. But as it turns out, right after I started playing with this country/pop band they are now about to sign a huge record deal and they want me to be the guitarist.

I would really be excited. However, I cannot stand pop/country music. I don’t mind “REAL” country music… but not today’s pop-country. I think it inhibits creative thought and makes people dumber for listening. I’m not being judgmental of people who listen to it at all. It’s just that it lacks interesting poetry/lyrics, unique melody, and lacks general creativity in its basic structure… musical integrity is sacrificed a great deal in the pop/country scene just to make sure it sells. If you try to be creative people say “no don’t do that, we’re making a pop song here”… and that bothers me because music, to me, is about creativity, exploration, and making something beautiful and interesting…

On the other hand, I have no money. I’m often hungry but have to wait for the next gig just to be able to eat. I’m literally a starving musician. It’s not right for people who work so hard to starve. So I don’t have much of a choice it seems if I am going to stay in this business. So should I sacrifice my musical integrity and sign a contract just to make money? Is this morally wrong and shameful for me to agree to play for this band if I secretly do not like the music at all? Am I a bad person if I sacrifice musical integrity for fame and money? What do you think? I’ve worked so hard my whole life not to get any compensation for all my acquired skills and abilities as a musician. But I care about the quality of music I provide to the rest of the world.

I’m so sick to my stomach about this. Should I sign this contract? The band will be very successful I know. But it’s not my style. Would you do it? Why or why not???
Someone answered below saying “sounds fishy, what’s the band’s name”. It’s not fishy. Why would I make this up and be anonymous at the same time? Secondly, I can’t say the band’s name or you’ll know that the guitarist doesn’t like the music.

Best answer:

Answer by Parker
Money is money, and fame is fame. You may not like your line of work, but thats why its called work. Your lucky to be offerered to be signed. Take it..down the road you’ll have more experience and fame to go for a different style..But yeah.. do it.

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