Should I go to college or start getting experience in the music industry?
Question by samexjeans: Should I go to college or start getting experience in the music industry?
So I have a decision to make.
I either do a 2 year National Diploma in Photography for two years starting in September or I don’t go to college and use my contacts from the online music magazine job I have and start off my experience in the music industry.
Best answer:
Answer by Jobbernowl
C’mon, dude. However anxious you are to get started with your life now, you never know how things will go in the future. A college degree will give you somewhat of a safety net if things suddenly start going down the crapper. You might not think that you’ll ever leave the music industry, but life has a way of chucking some massive curveballs when you least expect it, and a degree (even if it’s just in photography) will keep you from ending up as a construction worker or something.
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