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Sell Your Organs? (Proposal)

Food for thought. MYSPACE (ADD) TWITTER (FOLLOW) For those of you asking if I have donated an organ (I’ve noticed a handful of comments), quite frankly, fuck off, because it’s none of your business. It’s a serious personal decision for each individual. I have not questioned/called upon ANY USER to give up their organs in this video, as it is a video about medical POLICY. It is not my right or place to ask you what you do with your body. I expect the same respect. SOURCES: As I used my university’s online research library to gain access to peer-reviewed sources, some of the given sources are not available to the public. However, I think the top 2 listed are. You could also check out various university ethics centers and/or google scholar. Andre, Claire. “Organ Selling and Transplants.” Markkula Center for Applied Ethics. 2008. Santa Clara University. 21 Apr. 2009 Cline, Austin. “Selling Organs for Transplants.” Agnosticism/Atheism. 2008. 20 Apr. 2009 Jennifer S Bard. . “Black Markets: The Supply and Demand of Body Parts. ” Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 33.1 (2008): 117. Research Library. Kerry Howley. . “Who Owns Your Body Parts? ” Reason 1 Mar. 2007: 20-31. Research Library. Todd Zwillich. . “USA confronts looming organ-shortage crisis. ” The Lancet 368.9535 (2006): 567-8. Research Library. –This video is in reference to kidneys– This debate was given live in April at my college. While I won
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