school decision?experiences allowed too?
Question by david r: school decision?experiences allowed too?
ok check this out.. bare with me im trying to look into some schools to go to college. i want to study are three different things. im not sure how to go about and doing it….. i want to study music, business management, and psychology. the thing with this i love all of them the same and i dont like one more that the other for me to pick. i need to make a choice in the next second.
any suggestions on what to do or if you already went through this what did you do?
Best answer:
Answer by julia e
chances are you’re still young. if i were you i’d pursue music first, do a degree or a diploma in it n if u feel u enjoy it continue, but if u don’t then u cud then start psychology and do business management at the same time, a double degree it’s common nowadays. go to the college u want to study at n ask them if any of the elective subjects from any of the 3 courses are the same, so that u can carry forward your results n not have to redo the paper.
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