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Samsung Intercept or Blackbery Curve on Virgin Mobile?

Question by Katie: Samsung Intercept or Blackbery Curve on Virgin Mobile?
I’m pretty smartphone-challenged, as I’ve never had a smart phone before! I don’t know how the whole industry works, I have no idea what bluetooth is, I don’t really understand what 3G means or why some phones can run apps and not others. I don’t know if certain apps can only be run by certain phones. I don’t understand what the difference is between BBM and texting. And most importantly, I have no idea how much I need/want any of these features.

I’m getting a cellphone of my choosing for Christmas and intend to switch from T-Mobile (contract expires in Feb) to Virgin. Virgin offers the Samsung Intercept, which runs Android (and mind you I only just learned that Android is an OS and not a phone model name), and a Blackberry Curve. I don’t really know the difference between these two phones other than the Intercept costs $ 50 more, and the Blackberry service costs $ 10 more a month!

Now obviously since I’m not the one buying the phone but I AM the one making the monthly payments, the Intercept is a cheaper deal for me. But I’ve heard of my friends exchanging BBM numbers and whatnot and I don’t know if that’s an important social thing these days? I don’t use Twitter but I’m always on Facebook and one of the things I want my phone to do is connect me to Facebook on the go. It will primarily be a pocket social connection for me but I also want to be able to play music and search the web– often for maps. I understand Android is owned by Google so it’s probably easy to access Google maps from that, but can the Blackberry do that too? I think they can both play music but I’ve heard that the Blackberry has superior battery life and that’s important for using your phone as a music player? Do they both require special headphones or can I buy a standard pair of Sony’s and plug them into my phone? Is it possible to play Pandora on both/either and could I just use it as a walkman that way? Can I load mp3s onto both/either from my computer or do I have to download them directly onto the phone?

There’s also a specific app that I’ve seen advertised by my city’s transit system that will tell me exactly how many minutes until the bus arrives and I’d REALLY like that. Can apps like that only be run by Android or can the Blackberry run third party apps too?

I read that the Blackberry has push messaging technology, which means the phone alerts YOU when you have new email/FB messages rather than you having to ask the phone. Does Android/Intercept not do that?

And what the heck is Bluetooth and why might I need it? I’ve heard of Bluetooth headsets for drivers but I don’t drive.

Is there anything else that makes these 2 phones different and why I might prefer one over the other?? Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by tigam23
get the samsung intercept it is way better

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