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Roy Fox and his Band “Peach of a Pair” 1931 with Al Bowlly

Roy Fox band, before he got the Monseignor Restuarant contract. After the American band went home from their 6 week engagement at the Cafe De Paris,Fox stayed on. Decca gave him a contract. so he formed this band for recording only. Interestingly film exists of the later Monseignor Band playing this tune,but without Bowlly’s vocal.The band were just as good playing live as they were in the studio as shown in the film. A couple of little know facts about Roy Fox is that Ambrose was responsible for Roy Fox coming to Britain. Ambrose held the contract for supplying bands to various London venues, Cafe De Paris being one. He wanted an all American band for this engagment.Ambrose hired an agent to find suitable personnel.Ambrose knew Gus Arnheim in California,who suggested Fox as a suitable leader.Fox,then supplied the rest of the band.The other fact is that after a tip off,Roy,privately auditioned Al Bowlly in an upstairs room off Piccadilly Circus.Rox was very impressed by Al’s voice and offered him a contract.However it was unusual in that it was a personal contract,so Al was contracted to Fox and not to a venue or band.A problem arose when Fox, returning from illness, to find the band taken over by Lew Stone so Fox left to form another band elsewhere.However Fox took the restuarant management to court as Al was to sing in this band but was under contract to Fox.Stone’s band took to the stage on the first night,but without Al Bowlly.The courts ruled that the contract was
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