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RISE UP (original song) – Jeremy Hoop [from the Tea Party Movie]

AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD on ITUNES & AMAZON or for highest quality download online. For info go to Booking inquiries Find Jeremy on Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace “RISE UP” LYRICS: “I regard myself as a soldier…a soldier of peace.” – Ghandi Rise Up “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. They are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights. That among these are life, liberty…the pursuit of happiness.” – The Declaration of Independence Lookin’ at millions under a circus tent Watchin’ a jackass chase a dumb pachyderm Oh what a show! Tappin’ on any shoulder that I can find Of anyone on there who might change their mind It’s time to go. To the real world outside with those pirate ships The drunken sailors with dirty lips That rule the night Shoutin’ don’t be afraid of those wicked men There’s more of us than there are of them Come join the fight! Rise up and be counted Take your part in the solution Linking arm in arm, to arms, to arms Lower your guns and raise your voices Join the peaceful revolution Shout I’m mad as hell and I will ring the bell of freedom Ride with me from Boston to Phili to LA With reason come marching With knowledge come drumming Let everyone hear you Each soul that is near you The British are coming! the British are coming! We built a house of sticks a hall of parlor tricks But we blame it all on our politics Oh what a shame! Truth is the
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Band: Hatebreed Song: To The Threshold Album: Supremacy Record Label: RoadRunner Records “To the Threshold” is a song by Hatebreed about people who bear scars of an abusive childhood who rise up. This song was very popular long before 2006 album Supremacy. In the video, a father is shown abusing a mother and her child, who is a fan of Hatebreed.MythixMedia is just a YouTube Channel for fellow music lovers to enjoy their Favorites! We do not what so ever unless stated own the uploaded music! We hope you record labels, music directors, and groups and even Youtube understand that we are not or will ever attempt to sell this music, solicit this music as our own – BECAUSE WE DO NOT CLAIM OWNERSHIP WHAT SO EVER ON THIS MUSIC!