Ramadan:I want to leave the music industry…its evil =\?
Question by Heya: Ramadan:I want to leave the music industry…its evil =\?
ive been working in the music industry with alot of popular artists and such, and ive realized how evil this place is. im so upset, i found out the truth about it….these popular music artists are illuminati puppets and theres subconscious messages in these popular songs…its satanistic!!! you might not believeme…but its terrible i hate this industry
i want to get out
but i have a contract
what do i do???? im sickof this
the mass is being brainwashed…other terrible things im scared…please dont think im crazy
Best answer:
Answer by Andrew
the 20 dollar bill also has something to do with the illuminati, you should send that to me.. all the 20 dollar bills you have.. and the 100 dollar bills too.
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