questions about Bavas Music City in Sydney?
Question by Matty Cross: questions about Bavas Music City in Sydney?
Does anyone know about Bavas Music? It’s located in Liverpool, which is rather far off from where I stay, but I’m willing to make the trip if they truly do sell their merchandise at that price. I’m looking for an electric-acoustic guitar, and they have the lowest advertised price.
It does say that they have a shop, but it doesn’t mention if they stock all the advertised products, or if there’s an option of trying it out at the store.
So please, if you’ve ever made a purchase from them, or been to the store, can you tell me if it’s like any other music store where you can walk in and try out an instrument before buying, or whether they just operate on an online basis where you have to order your guitar online and go there to pick it up without the option of trying it?
Also, any idea why their prices are so low compared to other shops?
Here’s a link to their site:
Best answer:
Answer by John G
Hi,Try Macron Music in Gosford or Erina 43 678500.Lots of good gear.
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