Q&A: why do yahoo and their services suck ?
Question by Mon Show: why do yahoo and their services suck ?
Because their tech support for small business is 30 minutes of classical music… Because their techs will tell you to go somewhere else if you are not happy (after the 30 minutes of music). Because Yahoo is a resaler of web, that means that they can raise their prices whenever they want, blaiming someone else… Because when you sign up for a 1yr contract, they actually resign you on the 11th month, and charge your card, for renewal before the end of your contract …
And their new trick…I switched some of my websites and webnames to godaddy 2 weeks ago, and yahoo still trying to charge my card for these, even thou expiration isn’t until 1 month and i have already successfully switched…
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Answer by Daniel Düsentrieb
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