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Q&A: what would be good square footage for a warehouse to turn into a music venue?

Question by Stephanie: what would be good square footage for a warehouse to turn into a music venue?
I am doing a business plan for my business class and I am searching around for prices for warehouses but do not know what size would be good. Its going to be standing room; I want it to be set up sorta like the tla or the electric factory in philadelphia.

Best answer:

Answer by Peter
A good business plan has low medium and high projections. I would start with a venue for 200 people and 2000 sq ft (about 35×60) and go from there. You’d have to figure out what kind of demographic you’d be meeting.

You can prob get the specs for a working place from an existing club. I spend a lot of time checking out similar businesses to avoid having to figure out so much. If you can put “comps” in a plan, it helps a lot.

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