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Q&A: What jobs in the Music Industry have more concrete high wages?

Question by alex s: What jobs in the Music Industry have more concrete high wages?
Hi, I am looking into going to Berklee and I am definite about not going in as a performance major, because that would curse me into not graduating, and who knows from there. I was more considering pursuing Production. I am curious to see what other jobs that deal with music pay BIG. Im sorry if I sound like a tool to fellow musicians out there haha.

Best answer:

Answer by Music Consultant
The music business is a golden ticket kind of business. Most people start off making absolute crap and if they are associated with a success even peripherally and the the know lots of people they can turn that into a high paying job. Many of the jobs that pay the most are also the most unstable – like a senior A&R position at a label or a creative position at a music publisher. Those jobs are also dwindling greatly and to get them most people have to assist and wade through tons of BS to get tapped to do a job like that.

For my $ .02 the best paying and post stable jobs in music are the ones that require skills outside the music business like being an entertainment lawyer or being in finance at a music company. I know that’s probably not the answer you want to hear but….

Look at it this way – can you make a ton of money being a music manager if you have a handful of platinum clients… sure… There are very long odds at becoming someone with those types of clients and most music managers barely make a living… Same with being a producer, engineer, or mixer…. High risk, high reward I guess.

Best of luck-

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