Q&A: What jobs could an arts management major get?
Question by 5dfggf4f: What jobs could an arts management major get?
I wanted to do music business for a while, and then graphic design. I don’t think either of those would be good for me anymore (because I think both should be learned by yourself and not taught in a classroom. They’re too specific of majors as well). Does arts management include a lot of music business as well? what are some potential jobs? I don’t want to be a gallery owner or anything like that. I just want to work with art and music and have potential to get a job after graduation.
Best answer:
Answer by Bull in the China Shop Is Mostly Back To Normal
Your best bet would be to get a degree in a practical field like business administration or accounting and work independently to increase your knowledge of social networking tools and recording equipment and software. Most of the degree programs that relate to very specific areas of management are watered down business programs that are designed to lure second rate students-most of whom end up working in menial jobs after graduation. Focus on learning the business side of business and if you’re really interested in music and art you’ll already have the knowledge you need to handle music and art side from your own personal reading, playing and study.
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