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Q&A: What is signing a contract with a realtor about?

Question by kinduvabrat: What is signing a contract with a realtor about?
I am looking to buy a home (my first). My sister just said something about “signing a contract with the realtor” however the realtor I’ve been in communication with hasn’t brought that up. Does one always sign a contract with a realtor? What does it cover? For whose benefit is this, mine or the realtor’s? Is this common practice?

I’d like to get some background information on it before discussing it with my realtor, if I can ascertain that this is a valid, common practice,

Why would he not have mentioned this contract to me before?

Best answer:

Answer by Wango138
As a buyer, you may not even be asked to sign a contract, as you will not be the person paying the realtor in the first place. I can see no reason to sign an agreement with a buyers agent, unless you are demanding some specific performance (like getting them to waive their commission for a flat fee or something similar like that).

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