Q&A: What does is take to become a music producer?
Question by Deshay: What does is take to become a music producer?
Hello, my name is Deshay Ary Im a 19 year old male high school graduate. I reside in atlanta georgia and im interested in becoming a music producer as far as making beats for music artists. I was thinking about enrolling into a school that teaches hands on music producing. I have no idea what type of equipment i need or where to start from scratch..I just want to let people know how serious i am about this reason being is that i recently heard some of “9th Wonder’s”(a producing artist) work and i thought it was so fantastic how he sampled music. I need legitimate advice from upcoming experienced producers or people that know what would it take to be one…Thanks
Best answer:
Answer by irieMe
Everyone wants to make music nowadays. It’s hard to make a living out of it. Everyone loves music so they think theyll be good at it. You need true dedication. And if u want to make it a living, your love should be the music not the fame, bitchez or the money. It’s a tough life. But if ur willing to dedicate your LIFE to it. Get an mpc, vinyls, fruityloops or similar programs, a keyboard, microphones, the whole shpeal. Goodluck.
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