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Q&A: what courses should i take to end up in the music promotion/management business?

Question by Kk Smith 16: what courses should i take to end up in the music promotion/management business?
right now im stuck @ a community college but intend to transfer to a university within the yr. so my options r limited but i am not sure of the right courses to enroll in. or wat degree i need to get into the business. all serious answers r much appreciated

Best answer:

Answer by Michelle
Take Marketing, Business, and Arts Administration classes. Arts Administration is pretty much dealing w/ the Admin. part of the Performing Arts (which could apply to management and even promotion). Otherwise, work on something to do w/ Business and/or Marketing. Then go to college to get your Bachelors. If you want to deal w/ performers, performance buildings, and/or music conservatories, then they are looking for someone with those degrees, plus a strong background/love for music, so if you can take some music courses that would be great (music history, etc.)
Good luck!

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