Q&A: Software Contract!!!!?
Question by Maxim: Software Contract!!!!?
This is my software contract, say my company is HYNE and i was wondering if this is okay or not, if not then what do i need to do to make it legal, and really all the contract is that i am not responsible for damage to your computer
“Software License Agreement for
This is a legal agreement between you and HYNE covering your use of
The Software is owned by HYNE and is protected by Umited States copyright laws. Therefore you must treat this Software like any other copyrighted material (e.g, a music book or music recording).
You may not rent or lease the Software, nor may you modify, adapt, translate, reverse tranlate, disassemble, decompile, or redistribute this Software unless owners permission. If you violate any part of this agreement, your right to destroy all copies of the Software in your possesion.
The Software and its related documentation are provided “AS IS” and without warranty of any kind and HYNE expressly
disclaims all other warranties, expressed or implied, including, but not
limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
particular purpose. Under no circumstances shall HYNE
be liable for any incidental, special, or consequential damages that
result from the use or inability to use the Software or related
documentation, even if HYNE has been advised of the
possibility of such damages.
Best answer:
Answer by Colanth
First run a spell check on it.
The Software is owned by HYNE and is protected by copyright laws. (People steal music every day – don’t give them any ideas.)
If you violate any part of this agreement, you maybe sued for monetary loss and you may be prosecuted.
the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, except where expressly prohibited by law. (In New York State, if something is sold it’s subject to a warranty of merchantability, regardless of your contract. Without this clause they may void the entire contract, not just the one clause.)
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