Q&A: Should i sing or major in business for my masters?
Question by Mr.Chris♫♪: Should i sing or major in business for my masters?
I am having a hard time picking a major for my masters degree. I’m a music business management major but I don’t know if I want to sing for vocal performance for my masters degree. I’m not interested in ear training or sight singing classes. I just want to sing however I might want to go for music marketing or advertising. That will help me get paid more money but if I don’t do the performance as a major I won’t have the motivatition to sing. Going to school for it motivates me. What would you recommend me?
Best answer:
Answer by LoveyBabe1213
Idk, may passion is dance and I understand it could be hard deciding but at the end of the day your talent will still be there and you won’t need a degree for it.
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