Q&A: Should I look into being a Music Producer?
Question by qanda15: Should I look into being a Music Producer?
I am a classically trained musician who plays keyboard, violin, and the pipe organ. I am also very interested in computer music, MIDI, and recording. I hadn’t actually thought too much about this career until recently- when I was told I was very good at organizing musicians:
I am the Director of a group of musicians who play a variety of music at various venues. I am very good at coordinating all of this: calling the venue, organizing a date, getting the musicians together, coming up with a music program the audience will find enjoyable etc…I am told I am good at staying on top of all of this…
Does “music producer” sounds like a good career for me? If so, what TYPE of music producer?
Best answer:
Answer by Helen
Actually the skills you list are those of what you would call a “Concert Promoter”.
It looks like you could also be good at being a “Booking Agent”
A “Music Producer” is generally though of as someone who creates recordings.
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