Q&A: Record Labels In Dallas TX?
Question by FutureDogRescuer: Record Labels In Dallas TX?
I need to know EVERYTHING about a record label and such (I know you need talent) so please help and tell me everything you know bout one. And, does it matter which record label sings a contract with you, will it make you as famous as any other one would? so please help me! and please name me a few record labels here in dallas, arlington, mansfield, and any other city close to those citys here in TX
Best answer:
Answer by Everyday
if you are just trying to be famous, and you can’t even look up information on record labels yourself… you’re not going to get anywhere in the music business. thousands of very talented people will never get a contract. people that can’t afford to put food on their table because they spent their money promoting their album and shipping off demos wont ever get a contract. you don’t even have the deisre to do a google search. the buisness requires a lot of hard work. if you’re serious, you have a long road ahead of you. you might as well go on american idol.
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