Q&A: need your help findng any mistakes i might have.?
Question by wollacottk: need your help findng any mistakes i might have.?
The Apple Corporation Inc. redesigned their name to Apple Inc. Apple Inc. is an American corporation with the focus of manufacturing and designing electronics and software products. The company started January 3 1977, with first starting off with the development of personal computers. Thirty years later the company changed from apple corporation Inc. to just Apple Inc., and now sells software, personal computers and a line up of ipods, and the iphone. On October 23, 2001, Apple Inc. introduced its first iPod, portable mp3 player, on November 10 of that same year it was released. To tis day Apple has sold over 100 million ipods. After the first of the iPod the iTunes music store followed, which is the largest online music store today, and has sold over 3 billion downloads by August 2007. Every year Apple updates their line up of ipods, which after a few months sells a million.
Best answer:
Answer by Rob C
There were some spelling and grammatical errors, I fixed them for you. Here:
The “Apple Corporation Inc.” renamed itself to “Apple Inc.” “Apple Inc.” is an American corporation which focuses on manufacturing and designing electronics and software products. The company started on January 3rd 1977, it’s first project being the development of personal computers. Thirty years later the company changed from “Apple Corporation Inc.” to the more simple “Apple Inc.”, and now sells software, personal computers, a line up of iPods, and the iPhone. On October 23rd 2001, “Apple Inc.” introduced its first iPod, a portable MP3 player. On November 10th of that same year it was released. To this day Apple has sold over 100 million iPods. After the first of the iPods, the iTunes music store followed, which is the largest online music store today, and has sold over 3 billion songs as of August 2007. Every year Apple updates their line up of iPods, and only after a few months, a million new products have been sold.
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