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Q&A: Is it wise for a music producer to give a copy of their instrumental 4 a singer to work on at home?

Question by Katy: Is it wise for a music producer to give a copy of their instrumental 4 a singer to work on at home?
Is it wise for a music producer to give a copy of their instrumental 4 a singer to work on at home??
Basically if the producer & singer are working on a song in a studio, do you think it’s OK for the producer to give a copy of the instrumental & lyrics to the singer to work on at home in their own time (if they’ve copywritten it already).

Best answer:

Answer by Aaron
yes, of course. i do some the producing for the bands i’m in, and for some friends, and friends of friends, most of the time, i’ll do the instruments, then give the full tracks to the singer, to work on lyrics, or melody or whatever, so they can really get it down, so they can just come in, recorded it, and be done as soon as possible.

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