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Q&A: Is it true that Madonna made it `big` through sex?

Question by ElliasH: Is it true that Madonna made it `big` through sex?
Someone told me that Madonna made it `big` because she used 2 sleep with the big music producers, and got contracts from them. Is this true? I dislike her anyway, because shes 50 and look at the clothes shes wearing, disgraceful!…

Anyway, is did she get well-known through sex?

Everybody’s views please

Best answer:

Answer by michelle
She had a relationship with musical producer ‘Jellybean’ Benitez.

Jellybean was introduced to her by Stephen Bray, songwriter and producer, whom she also reportedly dated.

She once famously quipped that she saw losing her virginity as a ‘career move’. I was a fan of her as a young girl though these days she just seems pretty vulgar.

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