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Q&A: iPhone vs. Touch and Regular Phones?

Question by Music Gal: iPhone vs. Touch and Regular Phones?
Okay…I’ve had iPods for 4-5 years now and have loved them all. I use iTunes, I don’t do any Jailbreaking, the most I do is take my legally purchased DVD movies and put them into iTunes format.

I have service with Sprint…Sprint’s not completely horrible in this area…they do have nice features and I make use of Telenav and texting (I DO do some picture messaging, but not a ton). I have about a year left on my contract…

I got an iPod Touch because I wanted to check it out…just so happens I got it the day of the 2.0 upgrade so I paid the $ 10 to check out the apps in the App Store…cooler still.

Things I liked about the Touch–awesome screen for watching music videos, etc…the controls…the web browing with Safari (instead of watered down “Web” with normal cells).

Things I missed….not having use of more than music and videos when not near WiFi…tired of carrying iPod and phone…

I have the ability to get an iPhone in the morning…do I bite the bullet?

Best answer:

Answer by $ucram
iPhone is definitely worth it

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!