Q&A: ideas in music publishing?
Question by brigadeiro: ideas in music publishing?
i am a composer. i play guitar and have a good voice. i just dont know what the best way of publishing my music would be. i thought youtube videos, and actual recording even singing competitions and stuff, but if anything goes wrong, then i pretty much loose a career. What do you think would be the most efficient way of publishing my music?
Best answer:
Answer by m
You might just want to risk the criticism of Youtube, singing competitions and stuff. Through people’s criticism you will improve greatly and fast to stop their complaining. If you are thin-skinned however and can’t take negative comments how will you ever be a performer? You can’t loose a career before you have one, so no worries there. Lots of stars talk about their beginnings when they weren’t great or got fired or no one liked their music – those experiences are partly what encouraged them to be persistent and get much better. Step out on that stage and give your all – somebody might even think you’re great!
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