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Q&A: i want to pursue a career in the music industry where should i go to college?

Question by jess: i want to pursue a career in the music industry where should i go to college?
to pursue a music industry career should i move to NYC or stay in Los angeles or go elsewhere? where would i get better internships, job opportunities,and better music business education (college) ?
thanks for your help 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by Kelly
Hi, I would strongly suggest the music business program at NYU. I have several friends in it, and a lot of them have great internships with record companies around the city or have had good exposure/experiences with recording, artists, etc. The program even has its own music label and is partnered with CMJ (a huge, 5-day city-wide music festival that happens in countless venues).

Another good music business school is Full Sail, which is in Florida. One of the advantages of Full Sail is that the program is accelerated (however, this means that students are basically always in class/lab).

I would say that despite which school you choose, living somewhere like LA or NYC definitely has benefits in the industry you are pursuing.

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