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Q&A: I want a career in the music Business?

Question by Howard S: I want a career in the music Business?
I want to work in the Music Industry. What career are these titles apropreite for what career in the industry.
1. I wanna work with artist
2. I wanna plan interviews and quest apperances on tv shows.
3. I wanna work with the albums, help pick what songs goes on the album and what should the album title be.
4. I wanna work with concerts, planning what songs get sang and what order and locations for the tour.
5.and I also want to compose.
Someone please help.

Best answer:

Answer by Music Consultant
1) this could be a few things but- Music Manager is probably the best fit.
2) Music Publicist
3) A&R (Artist and Repertoire) or Music Producer or Artist
4) Booking agent (except they don’t pick song order)
5) Songwriter / Composer.

Best of luck,


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