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Q&A: I need advice on how to build my music career?

Question by Pedro: I need advice on how to build my music career?
PLEASE HELP ME. By reading this, and giving me a serious answer, you are helping me in MY LIFE. This is serious for me..So please, read everything I wrote. So, here it goes…

You know, lots and LOTS of kids/teens (say, from their 8th birthday, up to their…let’s say 13) want to be a famous musician (generally pop).
Well, I’m 16. I’m in high-school already. EVERYONE else has forgotten that “dream” (and I mean everyone.. up to a point where if you talk about that, you get laughed at).
I still have that “dream”.

Couple of things I wanna many teens my age want to be famous as well? I mean…but not for the fame. Seriously not. Just to KNOW that millions of other people listen to your music…which I compare to my thoughts, my personality. Do many teens my age still chase that dream, for the same reasons as me? (not money..I wouldn’t even need to be paid, seriously)
Also, I know for a fact that Universal Music Group (UMG) is the best company to sign a record label contract with.

I live in Portugal. In an island. I’m kinda isolated, not many music schools here (although there is 1 professional arts school, which I’m joining this year). I’ve been learning how to play the guitar for 4 years now. Always been passionate for music, and I’ve taught myself how to play the piano, the drums and I know a bit of bass as well. I’m told (genuinely) that I have a good voice. I’m also joining, in the professional arts school, a vocal class, a guitar class, and piano class (including music theory class).
What if I truly, and I mean TRULY, am passionate for music, and want to become famous? I don’t really care what genre of music anymore, because I used to hate pop/mainstream music, because it is obvious that it is fabricated music, but it’s still music. Hell, I wouldn’t mind if I was Justin Bieber right now..

I need SERIOUS advice on how to reach my goal..I mean..Sometimes I feel lost. I feel it, in my guts, that I’m not meant to have an ordinary job (don’t have anything against it though), I feel I’m destined for greatness..Maybe I’m just fooling myself..
Other qualities: I have a professional English diploma (if I made any kind of serious mistake here in this question, you have my permission to laugh your *** off :P) and I’ve done some modeling, in the past (just to make it clear that I’m not ugly as hell.. Not bragging myself either, just pointing out the facts)

So.. advice?

Also, I know that, if it was that easy (you, if everyone knew how to do it), everyone would be famous, and all… I don’t need a whole tutorial, just a few candles lighting the way for me 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by
Many famous musicians like Justin Bieber or lady gaga get discovered unintentionally. Justin only posted videos on youtube for his family and friends…..and he got a million hits. Lady Gaga had got discovered at a night club. How about auditioning for a gig at a local pub or night club……the key is to never give up….. just keep looking for new alleyways….. by the way, i’m a music producer!!

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