Q&A: I Have A College Problem? (Please Help People)?
Question by EmoFtw: I Have A College Problem? (Please Help People)?
Ok long story short…
I applied for college for music, the music teacher booked an appointment but through a voice message, My phone is contract and Ijust cant get to it.
I miss it then he text me on friday about it, saying I missedit and he cant do nother appointment. I rang him up same day, went to his answer machine and told him sorry and basically what im teelling you know.
So now its Monday, do you think he will give me another chance or should I just try at a diffrent college?
Best answer:
Answer by Little
Doesnt he have an email?
No, try contacting him till he picks up.
You have explained yourself and now that its monday he might even reply to you, remember, they dont check their work messages/emails till they’re at work.
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