Q&A: I am a professional musician with a Masters degree transitioning into Business Management…?
Question by ngfhorn: I am a professional musician with a Masters degree transitioning into Business Management…?
I will have a Bachelors in Business Management in a couple of weeks. After 2 years of being a stay at home mom, occasionally performing as a musician, I have no idea where to begin in Business Management. I have a ton of experience working with others as a leader and team member but because it is in the music industry, employers do not see my experience as justified. I am a hard worker who gives 110% on the job if I can be given an unbiased consideration. I forgot to mention- I am a Marine wife which means it is likely that I will move within 3-4 years in every location. I have been a private teacher for over 14 years but to network takes at least a year in any given area. I have looked into working from home for LEGITIMATE businesses in order to maintain a career- benefits are not an issue. Just a career! Any suggestions?? Thanks!
Best answer:
Answer by jobbend
Have you ever thought about consulting in the music industry to help people/bands/grounds run the business side effectively? That’s a left brain/right brain combination and many musicians don’t have that combination of skills.
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