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Q&A: How to earn money fast for college?

Question by lilee: How to earn money fast for college?
i know it sounds ridiculous but i need to earn at least $ 100 000 Singapore dollars or United States Dollars by March next year. The reason is, i planned to study music in America, in this school where i can get a Bachelor’s Degree by studying Vocals. After which i want to take Music Business Course. The courses are really expensive. They cost about $ 50 300 for both courses. plus, i need visas and plane tickets. and rents plus food and travel. My mother does not want to pay for anything neither do i want her to pay for anything because she’s got a lot going on for her. Therefore, i would like to know if there is anybody who knows how to earn fast cash in 9 mths for me. i dont have any money right now and i know working as a part timer cannot even earn me enough but i’m going to get one for foundation. Anybody please. No lectures accepted. Just help. thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by Ashley
Try searching for scholarships. You can get money by writing essays or sometimes by just filling out a form.

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