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Q&A: how to cancel a membership with pre-dated checks and no contract agreement signed?

Question by David: how to cancel a membership with pre-dated checks and no contract agreement signed?
I called the golf club here and wanted to cancel my subscription. they have pre-dated checks from me for each month for 12 months. i never signed any contract just only the checks that were pre-dated. they told me they didnt know if i can cancel it. am i withen legal boundraries to stop payment on those checks?

Best answer:

Answer by rickinnocal
“am i withen legal boundraries to stop payment on those checks?”


You have a contract. That it is verbal is irrelevant, it is still a contract. The predated checks are evidence of the existence of the verbal contract. If you stop payment on the checks you are in breach of contract, and they can sue you – and win.

If you want out of the contract, you have to work it out with the club.


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