Q&A: How to approach the right contacts in the music industry?
Question by ordinarygirl♥: How to approach the right contacts in the music industry?
i know there are thousands of people trying to get into the entertainment world and everything.. but i also now that only a few actually make it happen.
and i’m guessing its because they try to get noticed by the RIGHT people
anyway, since i was 12.. i’ve been wanting to be a singer (or vocalist, wtv you may want to call it)
i’ve sang on an Open mic once.
I’m in a model agency too.. even though i’m not aiming to be a model.. i used to take classes once upon a time and from there i was placed on this agency.
I’m also going to be attending a music summer camp in hollywood next summer.
so yeah, as you can see i’ve been working on bettering my skills and next month i’m gonna be turning 14 years. So i thought it’s time to really get noticed and stuff..
seriously.. I don’t want to waste time because i want to hit big in my teen years.
as corny as that sounded…(haha) it’s true
and sometimes i can’t even sleep at night.. because i’m conscious that i’m not doing anything to fulfill my goals.
So yeah..finally, MY QUESTIONS.
1.) how can i get in touch with the “right” people in the music industry?
2.) how can i make my demo stand out when sending to a record label?
3.) how can i REALLY progress and get a decent fanbase before i turn 15? i know it’s possible
please help.
thanks in advance
PS. in one year anything is possible. i want to work hard to prove that. just need some advice.
sorry wrong category
Best answer:
Answer by ClarkL
Ok, I ,ve heard this before. here,s the deal what do you have to offer that is going to make you stand out from the crowd.What stlye of music do you do. you have to pick one. And become good at it. I have played rock in bands for thirty years. I still practice everyday even though my band plays every weekend. we work hard at staying good.and experiment with different styles constantly.But its hard to stand out from the crowd. I have played covers for years. And have released two albums. but we are literally unknown.We are one of the hardest working bands in our area. We constantly have work and right know we are booked out a year in advance. Which has been the norm for us . The last three years.I know A lot of people in the industry. And we have opened for some big acts.But talent isn’t everthing.Demo’s do very little good. 90% of the time they don’t get listened to. If you are serious. Put a show together.People have to hear you.Hire a mananger.someone that believes in you. the days of going to L.A. with a guitar in your hand and being discovered, are long gone.The competion is to stiff.Anymore everybody thinks they can sing. when in reality only one in every thousand has any real talent . And one in every ten thousand has what it takes to go that extra mile . And actually make a living doing it. I don’t make any real money playing. few musicians do. But being on stage and preforming.Is fantastic. When the crowd likes you. And the energy is flowing the high is unbelievable. And you can do no wrong. Learn the trade. Get good at it.don’t take no for an answer. Be heard.And surround your self with the best people and talent you can find. There is no such thing as a overnight sensation. Almost all individuals who made it struggled for years. to be heard. it takes a lot of work. Good luck
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