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Q&A: How do you sell your music as ringtones to cell phones?

Question by bourne2beat: How do you sell your music as ringtones to cell phones?
the guys in my band are always broke…wee have our gig music at our site and on myspace…we want to make some xtra money do we sell our stuff from our pages as ringtones…like at myspace people can listen to music but not buy to send to their if you can

Best answer:

Answer by briannasommer
Phone Sherpa Mobile Store is the way to go at the moment. I answered a question like this yesterday. Since then I’ve been searching for another service like it. I have yet to find one.

You can create a store for free and still earn payouts each month. Easy-to-use wizards allow you to set up your own customized flash storefront that you can embed within even the most heavily designed web page layouts. You can take your band’s music or CD cover art, upload it at the Phone Sherpa site, create ringtones and graphics to put in your store. People will be able to browse, preview and buy your content wherever your store lives.

Are you guys signed? Good luck!

Brianna at Phone Sherpa

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!