Q&A: How do i make money in FIFA 08 manager mode of PS3?
Question by sptfire8282: How do i make money in FIFA 08 manager mode of PS3?
i started a manager mode campaign in FIFA soccer 2008 for the PS3 and i picked MAN U. My record is very good and i picked the sponsor that gives me the most money. I win most games and manage my players wisely, but i always lose money after games. I started off with 106+ million dollars and now im down to 76 million. I try to fool around with the contracts, lower them for example and i look at my salary after a game and its even worse. So then i try to raise ticket prices and the same happens. How do i get money. Also i dont know how to scout, sell and buy players. the transfering screen is not up for most of the campaign.
Best answer:
Answer by Ild
Try and sell some players when transferring season starts. sell rooney and get a lower salary person like Robinho and then increase your stadium manager to get more money on home games.
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