Q&A: How do i get youtube music intro LICENSE AGREEMENT ?
Question by Ernar: How do i get youtube music intro LICENSE AGREEMENT ?
I am using this guy’s beat who makes beats for a living on youtube. I have contacted him before and he said hes perfectly fine with me using his beat for my intro.
Heres my new channel and the beat im using: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8XLGRkpIegY
How do I make a “contract” between us, so that he can’t sue me or copyright infringe my entire channel when down the road (in 2, 4, years) i have 100,000 subscribers and get SCREWED.
Can it be a simple letter that i make and have him sign it….Or does it HAVE to be an elaborate contract like so: http://contracts.onecle.com/linktone/speedline.lic-copy.2004.01.01.shtml
Best answer:
Answer by Mr. Boombastic
You can call the company and “buy” the rights from them.
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