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Q&A: How can I get people to view and publish my musical compositions, in specific, choral music composi?

Question by Jose E: How can I get people to view and publish my musical compositions, in specific, choral music composi?
I’m interested in publishing my music, but I don’t know where or how to start. Who should I send it to? What publishers are willing to view and review (in a friendly way) my compositions?

Best answer:

Answer by incandescent_poet
The Composer in Residence at our school has a choir (or orchestra or instrumental group or whatever) perform the piece first “from manuscript”; he records that (since our recital hall has recording capabilities) and I would imagine he sends out the recording to publishers along with the manuscript. Don’t know if this is actually how it works, I’m just speculating, but if you have a good university near you, they probably have their own Composer in Residence, and you could contact him or her.

Good luck, I’d love to know how one goes about publishing a choral work, as I’ve got one in progress myself!

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