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Q&A: does this make a record label contract official?

Question by kingtiger248: does this make a record label contract official?
If a record label is interested in signing a group, do all members of the group have to sign in order for the contract to be official?? Ex: A group sits down and discusses a possible deal with a label. There are three members of the group, two of whom are underage and need their parents permisson. One member signs because he is of age, the other gets his mom to sign for him, but the last member’s mom doesnt agree with the contract and wont sign for him. Now either the label carelessly missed this information or doesnt care. Can the group withdraw from the label without any serious reprecutions or are they stuck??

Best answer:

Answer by Percy L
If there is a clause that stating the band has the right to back out of the contract (usually it’s a 24 or 48 hour escape clause) they can back out but only within the specified amount of time state in the clause.

If there is no escape clause or the time frame has already passed, the contract is binding. The only other argument that can be made is that parents guardians did not understand what they were signing, but this is extremely hard to prove in a court of law especially if there was a lawyer present during the signing.

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