Q&A: Does it seem realistic to get masters in both business and music?
Question by Silver Starz: Does it seem realistic to get masters in both business and music?
I’m currently still an undergraduate student in college, planning on getting a major in finance and minor in music. After I graduate, it is definite that I will go onto gradate school to get my masters in business (either accounting or finance). But the thing is, I love music and I want to get a masters in music as well. Does that seem possible? IF, one day, I really do get a masters degree in both, would it be possible to have a main career in business and then have a side career in music?
Best answer:
Answer by drip
A side career in music doing what. Ask yourself if the time and money put into getting a masters in music is going to serve you well with the career you want. Or can you still do what you want with music with a Bachelors degree.
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