Q&A: Does a Linux exist for “primitive” touchscreen Devices?
Question by iDentity ▉▋▏▉▏▎▉▕ ⁷ ⁵ ⁸⁴⁹⁵: Does a Linux exist for “primitive” touchscreen Devices?
So, I bought this old omnisens PPC – 120T – EW – RT from my company
This machine is about the size of an old fat LCD
It has a ~8″ contact touchscreen (the type with two layers over the screen)
I have a groovy media center in mind (like, instead of buying a fancy shmancy ready-made touchscreen hi-def blah blah, and I could even rig it up all steampunk style, dig?)
I will add a decent PCI soundcard & hook up an external HD to use it as a music system.
The windows2000 on it seems a bit crappy and I’m sure it uses more ressources than a Linux would, plus there’s an old measurement software on it since it was once laboratory equipment.
What would be a reasonable Linux distribution that would work well with such a touchscreen?
Or where could I find a driver for such a device?
thank you 🙂
Best answer:
Answer by Danny
Yes, if it runs windows 2000 it should run linux. linux sometimes takes a little work to set up but it will use less resources and be stable. google linux distributions for a big list. they should all work for the most part. but pick out your pci soundcard and make sure it is compatible with the linux you choose. hardware compatibility is the weak point of linux.
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