Q&A: Copyrights and publishing?
Question by jgordonsu: Copyrights and publishing?
Ok, I am a singer and writer. I do my own arrangements and just find people who play exactly what I want to go behind my music. A partner of mine is starting a music publishing company. We intend on partnering under this publishing company. My material is already copywritten under my name. If I sign on with him for this publishing company, how can I still fully keep my rights as the copyright owner of the material I wrote and arranged. I do not want copyrights of my songs to go to anyone else but myself, regardless of a partnership or not. Please help! Thanks in advance…
Ok, I am already a member of ASCAP, and I understand the copyright time limit retraints. I just don’t understand how I can actually keep my song for myself and allow others to use it if I go into a publishing deal with my partner that he is main creator of. Can I do my own publishing as well as sign on with him under a seperate publishing deal? I just don’t want him to be able to tell me what to do with my song or tell me that I don’t own my own song. I read the article on music-law.com and I read that once you sign a publishing deal, the copyrights are no longer mine, they are the publishing company. Which I know the company is in place to help get copyrights and marketing, but I do all of my own copyrights. So that part is not the issue, sorry so long of a detail ya’ll…
Best answer:
Answer by monkeygirl 2
mother fucker , good luck!
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