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Q&A: Car Repair Service Agreement?

Question by Maggie: Car Repair Service Agreement?
Where can someone find a free template for a Service agreement when it comes to car repair? Moreover, where can I find a free liability contract?

Best answer:

Answer by DLee1210
The best I could do was find a sample. It is in PDF form, so it can’t be edited on screen, though you could type the info for your business, tape it over the pretend business name and photo copy it. Otherwise, find someone that’s good with MSWord or Excel to typeset the whole document for you, substituting your edits.

2nd link: Microsoft downloadable template. don’t know what it looks like because I don’t have Excel 2007. Perhaps you or someone you know does. Or, perhaps your local libraries computers has Office or Excel 2007 and you can download it and tailor it to your needs at the library.

3rd link: also at Microsoft. A page of different downloadable templates…see if one of them fits the bill for your liability contract.

good luck…and sorry I couldn’t be more helpful


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