Q&A: Best music and name for Chinese Buffet restaurant?
Question by Thanks: Best music and name for Chinese Buffet restaurant?
Just read something on yahoo answer say that music affect/has impact on people when they went to certain place for fun or eat, sometimes certain music even make them turn away
so I am wondering what music suit chinese buffet the best, which means most people will like fewer people don’t. of course they will always be someone different from the other. I’m not saying the minority is bad or anything. but for business of course we are looking for majority right? lol
I’m a minority; so much different from everyone else lol so no offense to anyone
Thank you
Have a nice holiday
So you are saying asain name like dragon and asain music?
Best answer:
Answer by Shawn
Since most Chinese Buffets in the U.S. are not catering to Asian clients nor offering authentic food, there should be an American aspect to the Name. Restaurants names containing the word Dragon, Super, Great Wall, China etc. The names are usually cliche, but Americans usually affiliate the name with what type of food is served. From when I used to go to buffets, I recall Chinese flute music playing which gives the restaurant that “Asian” feel even if they are serving Chicken Balls w Sweet n Sour sauce.
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