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Question by Savina H: ARE YOU A MUSIC ARTIST?
Savvy Management is the idea from an artist for the artist. Savina Hall-Parker (owner) knows how hard it is to be a singer, songwriter, band, and a musician and not have anyone you can trust in the industry. No one to go to and no one who understands your vision.

I am looking for professionals that are looking to possibly work together. I am looking to build my relationship with career driven people for my clients.

I am lookng for the following: Producers, Songwriters, Singers, Rappers, Photographers, Web Designers, Street Teams, Booking Agents, Bio or Press Kit Packages Writers, Publishers, Image Consultants and Make Up Artists.

I am looking to utilize services and have a steady business relationship.

Please send a sample of your work in which ever field you are in.

Only serious replies would be contacted.

Savvy Management
P.O. Box 2004 Citrus Heights, Ca 95611
(916) 745-4457

Best answer:

Answer by Dr. L
i play a mean banjo mofo!

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!