Please help me, I dont want to give up my dream just because of this?
Question by Jamar: Please help me, I dont want to give up my dream just because of this?
My dream is to be a producer in rap music… I cant explain how much I love it. Just a good beat gets me smiling I love it so much nothing else makes me happier… I have already started to make beats at my young age… And there is a group that would like me to produce for them. A contract has been sent out to my parents, my parents have met their manager and everything. But the thing is, I cant meet them if I dont look like someone who would be in rap, because I have acne. Seriously, you cant be seen in public as an artist or a prodcuer with acne! My mom bought me some of this clearicel (Not sure I spelled it right) and its tented so you cant see them as much. But it does not help me much. So Im wondering if there is like a machine or soemthing that you can rub over your face and it will make them completely disappear temporaily or something? Please help, I love what I do so mucha and it cant be ruined just because of acne! Thank you.
Best answer:
Answer by star
GO to the drug store. ASK the pharmist 4 the latest stuff. THERE are some great products out there .
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