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Picketing business you are dissatisfied with?

Question by bobinn: Picketing business you are dissatisfied with?
Does picketing do any good to resolve problems resulting from being poorly treated by a company you performed contract services for? The company in question was suppose to provide me with an “Sales Tax Exemption form”, but never provided it. Now when asked to provide the form, they refuse and have threatened to sue me if i persue my request further. What can I do, while picketing, Do I need a permit to Picket, Can I have others picket with me?

Best answer:

Answer by finger2212
The effectiveness of your picket has a lot to do with how you conduct it. At least be mature about it, you can do more than just stand there with a sign, but don’t block traffic for obscene amounts of time. The teachers protested at my school and would block each and every school bus that was trying to leave at the end of the school day. Our school has over 40 buses leaving at the same time, multiply this by up to 3 minutes for each, and you’ll see how terribly frustrating this was. So be responsible and mature, for everyone’s sake.

But I do recommend that you inform the police of your intentions, because odds are they will call the cops on you, so it’s best to have prior permission. Quite often if it’s a large picket, the cops will come out to monitor. You can bring along others, but they should have some genuine interest in the matter. It’s a hollow protest if people are there just because you tossed them a sign and told them to stand with you.

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