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PHILOSOPHY: The Writings of Jim Morrison

I go over my favorite quotes of Jim Morrison. Some have wondered why I placed the Lizard King, an American Poet, on my list of philosophers, Gods, and elements which affect my life. Well its because Jim’s words probably have impacted me more than any other mans. I place him up there with Plato. Now I know no thoughts are truly new, but Jim took the works of Blake, Huxley, Burroughs, Leary, Nietzsche, etc and put his own views in there and made some amazingly deep comments. Enjoy his words to the music of the Doors, from the Essential Rarities album, here is the Soft Parade (live) UPDATE: Originally I had the Orange Country Suite as the accompaniment, but the Record Companies didn’t like that. The new song that is on this is Dax Johnson – A Moment in the life. It is a song from the AudioSwap feature on Youtube.
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